Monday, November 30, 2009

3 in the morning!

What time is it now? Its almost 3 in the morning and I'm still not asleep yet. *sigh*Am I having the insomnia again? I toss and turn but I still can't fall asleep. Can someone tell me a way that can make people sleep? I guess no one will answer since its so late already. *sigh* I'm thinking too much that I keep misunderstanding things. I think I should change that habit but its hard since I developed it for a long time.*sigh*Its holiday but sometime I don't feel happy about this. Maybe I'm too bored somtimes. I guess I have to find something to do. I don't really havr the mood to blog. I have many things to write but when I turn to this page, it seems that I can't type anything. Why?*sigh* Guess, I'll never know...



Saturday, November 28, 2009


Finally, I'm done with blog layout hunting and blog layout editing. This layout has hidden meaning to me. Something that I wish I owned but I couldn't cause it's not something essential. Even though I want it very much but I think I'll have it when I can afford to have it. Timing is not that right now I guess.

Renovating Blog

You might notice that there are some elements missing in my blog cause I'm finding a new blog layout.....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009



Tuesday, November 24, 2009



Monday, November 23, 2009




Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Life is short,
Life is unpredictable,
Life is precious,
Life is irreplaceable,

How your life goes is depends on what you decide, what you choose,
So, make the right decision, make the right choice, or else,
You will regret,
Live your life to the fullest so that,
You will not regret....

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Last day of school

Yesterday was the last day of my form 3 freedom moments,


last day of school for this year,

last day of my lower form life,

last day for some of form 3 students who planned to transfer next year,

I miss my friends,

Somehow, I miss school......

Memories will always be remembered....

All of us laugh so much yesterday....

Miss it so much....

Happt holidays to form 3s and good luck to form 5s

Monday, November 9, 2009

Academics,academics and academics!

All that you all say about is academics, academics and academics!!! Don't you all have other topics in your minds other than that? I know academics is important for my future and I know you all don't want me to follow my brother footsteps. But aren't you the one who told me that its ok if I did my best? Aren't you? Then why you brought up this topic again? Why? Why? If you are not fed up of it, I am! Just because you think its right for you then its right for me. Well, it might be but, can't you let me decide which path I want to go? Can't you let me think and don't decide everything for me? What is best in your mind might not be the best for others! Don't you realise that you are giving me stress even the exam is over? Don't you realise that I'm trying to avoid to have a long conversation with you? All you talk about is academics. You never ask me how I feel. All you want is me to follow what you think, what you want me to be. You never ask me whether I truly want it that way or not. I do have my opinion but you always cut me out when I want to tell you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

To You-Know-Who-You-Are

I'm sorry that I make you uncomfortable. Ya, I admit I have attention from my mom. Its not that I don't like it or what. Sometime I'm frustrated of something. You should talk to your parents about what you have in you mind. I know this sound idiotic to you but I don't know how to explain it to you. I know how you feel cause my parents is just the same in the past few years until I explain how I feel to them and how I wish they can treat me. I know its easier to say than done but I wish you will try.

p/s: You want to know why I like to follow you so much? Okay, I tell you. I just want to be friend with you and I'm sorry if I disturb you or make you uncomfortable.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jejak Maklumat

Went for 'jejak maklumat' yesterday. There were 3 of us in a group. Its fun and tiring at the same time. I can't believe running around Taman Tasik Pemaisuri can be so tiring. Maybe because of we were running and thinking about what to do next. We had to work out physical and mental at the same time. After getting the clues and finish the 'essay', we found out that we missed one STATION!!! *sigh* Its to late for us to turn back when we realise about it. The essay part is very the 'za dao'. When I read question 7, its a MORAL QUESTION!!! OMG!!! I didn't study moral for don't know how many months!!!Having a hard time answering that question. I'm surprised that I still can remember how to answer it. Then went back to school.

Well,skipped school today. And surfing the net, take some quizzes at facebook etc...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Shawn: I don't really think you're super handsome but your look us ok but one thing i really hate about you is your attitude....I really don't like!!! Sorry if it does hurt you....

Skipped school today. Bored to be at home but still I think its better than being at school. Played games, surf the net, renovated my blog and so on....

October ends and November comes...Time flies. Time waits for no one. Its either you spend it wisely or just waste it...I'm not sure whether I'm spending my time wisely or not but at least I know that I don't laze around the whole day.

Kind of addicted to Joe Hisaishi songs..He is one of the composers that I admire...