Wow! It had been years since I wrote something here. Went to Malacca for four days. Its an annual family gathering. Well, I this year i felt different compared to the previous years. I'm not sure why. I think its because I spent more time with my cousins this year. I don't stay in the room with my mom. First time felt so fun to be with them. We spent most of the mornings and afternoons at the condominium. We played PS2, poker cards, mahjong and shared some songs. At night after dinner, we went to Jonker Street which is very crowded. OMG! Not the Jonker Street I have in my memory. But still I had fun. On the last night, we went out to the *I don't know the name* to see the lights. However, its not fully lighted up. So, not as nice as the last time went to see it. Besides, we went to the Nyonya Street *don't know whether its the right name* *don't care* for shopping. But I didn't buy anything also. Cause nothing interest me T.T Last day, went to eat curry laksa. Its a bit different from the ones at KL. Quite nice.
First time see my newborn baby niece. OMG! I'm so old already T.T Not sure should call her newborn cause she already 10 months old. She's so cute. And she let everyone to carry her and she don't cry. I mean those crying that hurts your ears. She only makes the want to cry face but not the ears-ache sounds. ^_^ And she bites my finger. Wow! That hurts. Her teeth sure are razor sharp. *hehe* About the photos. I think I'll upload them later...
Have you ever heard of calendar synesthesia?
2 days ago
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