Life has its ups and downs. Somtimes we will fall down and feel very hurt. It is always easier to stay there, not getting up. Giving up on standing back on our feet. Leaving all the problems to our loves one around us. Making them worry while we keep staying there, avoiding the problems. Ask yourself, do you want to stay there forever? Do you want to be a useless person? Nobody can help you for yourself. You have to be responsible for your actions.
Everyday we have 2 choices. One, we can choose to be happy and optimistic throughout the day or Two, we choose to be emo, sad, pessimistic and putting a long face, feeling miserable for the whole day. Which one do you want?
What do you get from giving up? Money? Knowledge? Problems solved? Power? No! People around you will soon loss their trust one you cause you are not dependable. So, seriously people, be responsible and don't just give up because its hard. Stop giving yourself excuses like "I can't", "It can't be help", " It'll be like that forever"....etc....etc....etc..... You haven't even try and you are thinking that way. What you think of the result? NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Be responsible. Face it. Don't leave it and burden other people. Other people have their life too. Move on. Don't stay at the same point!
My favorite shirt at the moment
1 day ago